Meaning To Everyday Living

Your Partner in Magnifying, Clarifying, and Simplifying What Matters

The Home of Meaning

Annual Spirituality Summit

Dedicated to the pursuit of meaning and the celebration of our shared humanity


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Designed to deepen your understanding and enrich your spiritual journey

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Align your life with what truly matters

A Movement for Meaning

There is no greater expedition than that of self-discovery. For all of human history, we have inherently known, as Friedrich Nietzsche put it, that “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” This intrinsic knowledge has been and continues to be the reason behind humanity’s search for meaning.

In our collective quest for meaning, spirituality has played a significant role. Spirituality is what happens when we open ourselves to something greater than ourselves. Thus, the dynamics of spirituality have been the undisputable “Genius Loci” permeating every song, dance, conflict, human self-narrative, etc., in human history. It is no wonder that some have pondered: “Are we human beings with spiritual experiences or spiritual beings having a human experience?

The exploration of meaning through the lens of spirituality is the driving force behind everything that The Home of Meaning is and does. We explore the spiritual landscape to empower and equip you to live a strategic, purpose-driven, meaningful life.


“A comprehensive testimonial will be thoughtfully placed here, complete with all the compelling details and thoughtful insights.”

Thandazani Mhlanga


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