Pathways to Meaning
Where Wisdom, Reflection, and Growth Intersect

Why do We do Church
Reassessing “church” in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This article was first published in Spectrum Magazine One of the easiest and, surprisingly, most efficient ways to destabilize any society is to chip away at its traditions. In any social group, traditions are the mortar that holds the societal structure together. Therefore, it comes as […]

Does God Laugh
A note on my socio-religious quandary on the theology of laughter and the iceberg that lies beneath. This article was first published in Spectrum Magazine It is surprising how many people have not mastered the art of laughing at themselves. It is an art in that one has to acquire the ability to lay aside

El enfoque hermenéutico a través del folclore y las historias
This article was first published in Adventist Today Find the English version of this article Here La interpretación existe antes que el Canon. Lo que tenemos en nuestras Biblias es la prueba de una larga y compleja historia de ediciones, redacciones e interpretaciones. La pregunta nunca es si uno interpreta las Escrituras o no, todo el mundo

The Hermeneutical Lens of Folklore and Stories
This article was first published in Adventist Today Interpretation preexisted canonization. What we have in our Bibles is evidence of a long and complex history of editions, redactions, and interpretations. The question is never whether one interprets the Scriptures or not—everyone does—but how or by what means do you do so? Because meaning-making is an ongoing

Male and Female? The Rabbis Knew Better
This article was first published in Adventist Today Sex, Gender, Sexuality, and Being The case of Herculine Adélaïde Barbin, later known as Alexina or Abel Barbin, captures the timeless societal challenge of accepting those who do not fit the Judeo-Christian gender binary worldview. Alexina was assigned “female” at birth, then, by judicial order, reassigned “male” 30